Ghorbet Lagee Dance Group


Palestinians are keen to pass on their folklore and heritage from one generation to the next. For fear of obliteration and loss, and to preserve their identity from extinction. The popular Dabkah is considered one of the most important forms of this heritage, which is based on an artistic and cultural heritage that spans a long time in history. Hands intertwine during its performance as a sign of unity and solidarity, and feet strike the ground as a sign of vigor and masculinity, accompanied by songs that express the depth of belonging to the Palestinian land that they love. It includes the welcome a person who is returning from travel, the affection of the child, the memory of the beloved, and mention of his descriptions, beauty and qualities, and also includes the pride and enthusiasm.

Ghorbet Lagee for popular dance established in 2014 and it’s located in Bethlehem, Deheisha Refugee Camp, which provide teaching and performing Dabke – traditional Palestinian folk dance.

The Dabkeh is a folkloric dance that is usually practiced at Palestinian weddings. The Dabkeh band consists of a group of no less than ten Dabkeh, the yirghul player and the drum.

We have 70 basic dancers. We participated over 1284 performances from 2014 to 2022 and registered in the group’s archive.  
