Gathering the Palestinian youth of the camp together to teach our traditional dance called ” Dabkah ” so we have children groups, girl groups, and the adults boys group which all have performances each month scouring Festivals, events, and Palestinian weddings inside and outside Palestine.

As a cultural organization in a Deheisha refugee camp, Bethlehem City. We try to be responsible leadership and creativity for children and women. On the other hand, we want to represent our cultural in many events and to show the public most of our performances.

We also give English lessons with conversations to be practiced.

We have been working with children for 4 years now whose age is 6-15 years in many activities, also their characters and their personality have been improved, we also working on their cultural side from history classes to traditional dance.

Charity Work
Language practice
Art Projects

By volunteering and living in a Deheisha refugee camp you will experience from the firsthand how the Palestinians live their daily life. You will see the living circumstances in the camp and will have the opportunity to ask about and feel the occupation. You will be in touch with Palestinians all the time, which will give you a different experience then when you come as a tourist. If you want, you can even learn some Arabic from the people.
Volunteering in our cultural organization shows you a beautiful part of our heritage (debkeh dance). When we have performances in weddings or other places you will join them and see how they happen.
The Palestinian culture is very hospitable and gives you great chances to join their daily life.
We also provide you with a volunteering certification if you ask one for it.

To have international volunteers here, is a help on his own: for the children of the camp, who almost never left their hometown, it’s a joy to meet new foreign people. It gives them a special memory in their life that they will not forget.

You can give workshops from different kinds such as contemporary dance, fitness exercises, yoga, ballet, a traditional dance from your country, … All ideas are welcome!

If you know how to play a music instrument, you can contribute at the training and festivals. Bringing the youngsters in touch with music is from great importance and a stimulation for them to get activated, giving opportunities to the children to develop their skills and seeking their future through music.

Feel free to bring games with you – for example UNO, RISK, TWISTER, cricket, youth-organization-games to play outside,…: these are very new concepts for the children which will bring joy in their everyday life.

The same if you know about creative crafts: share it with the children. As well as get the skills and creativity out of them: some of them know how to make traditional handwork, how to draw, … It would be beautiful to give them the chance to share it with the group in a workshop, organized by you and us. These are ways to strengthen their self-confidence, which is needed here.

You can help with English classes especially in conversation: speaking English with children, women, adolescents, is from great value since people don’t get often the chance to practice their learned English with a non-Palestinian.

If you have another idea that fits in our goals, you’re more welcome to share it.

Arabic: Fluent
English: Fluent

volunteers will sleep inside the organization itself which provide beds, bathroom, kitchen, internet access with a shower 

Note: Sometimes female volunteers will be hosted with a Palestinian family in Deheisha camp, they will provide you with rooms, showers, a comfortable place to sleep and internet access as if they asked for.

Around the city there are many interesting cultural and religious places that you can visit. In Weekend and free time, you can visit other cities, West bank is small area which allow you to visit as many places as you can and when it’s possible to send a guide with you in each city. The transport in West Bank is easy and we can provide you details when you are here.

  • Internet access
  • We have pets
  • We are smokers

Maximum 3 hours a day, 5 days a week

From Jerusalem, you will go to Damascus Gate bus station where you will get Bus 231. The bus departs every 15 minutes between 6am-9pm (until 6:30pm in winter) and will take 30 minutes. It will drop you in Bethlehem and you can then take a taxi to Al-Huda station at Deheisha Camp (around 3 Shekels) where Mahmoud will meet you.

Passport Scan for the application
